No more heartbroken mothers

Help us fight the abuse of female cows and their newborns

No matter the species, a mother’s worst nightmare is being separated from her child. You only have to look into a mother cow’s panicked eyes once to see it.

This is what happens every single time a cow gives birth in a large-scale dairy farm. At one location in California, the Animals’ Angels investigative team witnessed a cow give birth to twin calves. We watched as she lovingly licked them dry and encouraged them to stand for the first time with soft pushes. Mere moments later, a worker grabbed the calves, tossed them into a wheelbarrow, and rushed them away. The mother, shocked at the loss of her newborns, paced restlessly for hours.

We know what happens next: The female calves are transported to massive farms, where they will spend the next six months in small hutches, unable to play or socialize. Male calves are transported to auction where they are sold for veal — if they survive.

Animals’ Angels has investigated dairy farms across the country, and we keep coming to the same conclusion: The practice of separating mother cows and their newborns is abusive, and it must stop. Please join us in calling for the protection of these families, just in time for Mother’s Day.